Wednesday, March 30, 2011

16 days!

1. school doesn't hate me!! so far midterms= 86 in child development, 98 in sociology of people in crisis, 86 in social theory, and 95 & 93 on indians of california papers i got back today. the 93 was my draft and i turned in my final paper today so hopefully that will bring my mark up more. currently i am writing one more paper, and then after this all that's left is one multiple choice midterm in a couple weeks! yaay

2. my mama launched her etsy site today! such beautiful necklaces. Check that out here :)

3. i went on a fantastic date with my big bro and my little bro today. we had some delicious frozen yogurt and discussed riding whales and their creepy moustaches (they're not shaving for the month of march.. march can't end soon enough)

4. max writes me cute little poems to brighten up my day, and i save them all in my phone. today ,while reading some of them, i came across something he said once that was so funny and great that i had to save it. he was describing anime or something.. "it's this TV show about a samurai sent to the future by way of an evil demon named aku. And it's just fantastically stylish." hahaha. i hope other people find this as funny as i do. it made me laugh and definitely made my day much better.

5. tomorrow is thursday, which is my friday. which means i can come home, clean my room, get in bed and fall into a vegetative state for a few days.. ahh so glorious. (except for my 2 meetings friday, and one saturday! wait.. halee with plans on a friday night? craziness)

love love love
whalee <3

Monday, March 28, 2011


this is a difficult week, and absolutely time for me to remember what i'm thankful for :)

1. i have amazing friends. from kate skyping with me until 3 am her time because i needed some face time with my best friend, to chelsea opening her bed to me last night and making me KD, i am so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful people. i may not be the most social person (my weekends consist of homework, NCIS and a lot of eating..), but the friends i am blessed to have are true, and that's what is the most important.

2. i'm going home in 2 and a half weeks! a visit which will include a potential visit to victoria with my mummy, some kind of adventure with mr. dalin, hopefully some thrifting, and a behind sapphire concert featuring the wonderful lindsay lou.

3. i am surrounded by family, even a million miles away. between my family and max's, i have 2 fantastic families that support, love and care for me and i am SOO lucky. so blessed.

4. i have these words to live by:

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;

That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

--Reinhold Niebuhr

Thursday, March 10, 2011

i have returned!

finally, after a -brief?- hiatus, i have decided to return to my blog. this is mainly because i have horrendous nightmares every night. last night i hit a breaking point when i dreamt i was walking around 8 months pregnant.. it was terrifying. so blog time it is!!

1. it's thursday, which is my friday. i have a ton to do this weekend, but still.. yaay. eating and watching NCIS all night hopefully! so ideal.
2. my mother arrives on wednesday, so less than a week! i'm quite excited for her visit.
3. my mother is starting a new business! she makes BEAUTIFUL jewelry, and i have been helping her with the tech side of things like setting up etsy and taking photos. so i made a few little collages for fun showcasing some stuff that she made.. :)
her business is called belle bibelot, which means 'beautiful trinket' in french. so perfect. and it's all going to be up on etsy soon, which is so great. this beautiful jewelry brings me soo much happiness!!
(w)halee :)