Tuesday, November 23, 2010

up in the air

you will NEVER guess where i am writing this from.. my air plane!! free wifi!? so cool.
i'm very sorry to anyone who reads this blog regularly (aka my mom) that i have not been posting anything. school and life have been inane, and now i am on my way home for a wonderful wonderful 6 days.

1. i made it through this past week, which was full of things due and commitments and exhaustion. and a lot of baking? for classes. weird.

2. i have a really wonderful week ahead of me including: seeing my friends and family, hp 7, thanksgiving!!, date day with my mum and grandma on friday, canucks game, and family christmas dinner with my ADORABLE cousins. this also means max is meeting my grandparents twice in one week, and i'm quite looking forward to it :)

3. my fantastic week starts in just a few short hours!!!

4. there is going to be snow at home.. kind of a big deal.

love love love,

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