Thursday, November 11, 2010

it was a blustery day in the hundred acre wood

finally my computer is fixed!! all i had to do was get rid of safari and download google chrome. so it turns out there was actually something wrong with my browser. NOW my internet browser is floral!!! like floral wallpaper patterned. i could die. every time i go on the internet i get excited.

1. last night, my little and i went and painted pottery at a place about 15 minutes away. it was so much fun. i would definitely say that painting pottery is a big hobby of mine and now i want to do it again like next week. i'm so excited to go pick up what i made and see how it turned out. plus, we found a vegan restaurant for her because the school caf has very limited vegan options and it's all deep fried. so she really liked the place we went, which is awesome because it means we can go back lots!

2. i stayed up until 2 reading for my anthro class because we were supposed to have a quiz this morning, arrived at class, quiz is moved to next tuesday. huge bummer! but this means i wont have to cram next monday because i've already read the book. also, once this day is over no more exams until finals. i have an exam in a couple hours, and then a paper due tonight and then freedom!! i can't wait to sleep tonight. so exciting.

3. i am home in 12 days!! and i have the best ever visit planned out. lots of family time, obviously lots of max time (sorry mom, i promise you'll see me too), thanksgiving, christmas dinner with my grandparents, and a date day with my mama! so stoked.

4. my grandparents stopped by on tuesday night on their way to palm springs and we had a lovely dinner. also, i cleaned my house all day in anticipation of their arrival so my place is unusually clean :)

it is SO windy here right now, i feel like my garage/house might blow over at any time. oh my.

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